How do you access the gun safely?

Merely slide your hand into the False Back Design slot in the back of your jacket, press the button in your sleeve to unlock the MagEngage Holster, and then pull out your AR-15.
Just don’t pull the trigger until you’re aiming at your target!

How many guns will fit inside the jacket?

The AR Bomber Jacket safely holds ONE assault-style weapon inside our revolutionary False Back Design. Instead of a second AR, use the compartments for additional high capacity magazines!

Where can I store my magazines and extra rounds?

Every AR Bomber Jacket has one magazine compartment on the left arm and two more inside the breasts of the jacket. As this American Masterpiece has been designed for assault weapons, we generally disapprove of loose hand gun rounds in your pockets.

Are the compartments for regular or high-capacity mags?

Are the compartments for regular or high-capacity mags? Duhhh, what the fuck do you think, dipshit? High-capacity magazines.

Can I wear my everyday holster with this jacket?

Depends on the holster. Ribcage? Fuck yeah, game on.
Hip holster? Sure, you could slide the jacket over it.
Don’t use any type of back holster. It would only interfere.

How many users have accidentally shot themselves while wearing the jacket? How many have died?

If you count unpaid interns as people, then one. People shoot themselves everyday in America. Sure, the jackets have a kevlar mesh lining, but remember that the barrel of the gun is close to your head. Don’t pull the trigger while you gun’s still in your jacket!

Where are the jackets made?

Please appreciate the unique partnership of ingenious American design with the quality craftsmanship of Chinese forced labor. Remember: if the Uyghurs had AR-15s hidden in their AR Bomber Jackets, then they’d never be in those camps making our jackets!

Is the jacket water/blood proof?

The technology that drives the most amazing features of the jacket will continue to function with heavy doses of spattering liquids. Our Super Vegan Leather constitutes a non-porous material, so merely wiping any blood off with a damp rag will do the trick. We recommend Oxiclean for the Deadly Denim and Windbreaker models. Happy shooting!

Will my jacket protect me from other shooters?

The kevlar mesh lining does provide protection for your body, and the removable hood provides some protection for your head but not your face. Think of it as “bullet resistant” instead of “bullet proof.”

Your catalog shows male models. Do you offer a slimmer version for your female customers?

Our research indicates women have neither the heart nor the gumption to commit mass murder with assault-style weapons. Should the marketplace bear out a need for this, then you should best believe we’ll be on it. Until then, get the appropriate men’s size.

Does this come in kids' sizes?

The closest you can get is an adult size small. If your kids are in high school, then you’re in luck. Otherwise, make a plan for your children to live long enough to buy one of our jackets in the future.

Would an AR-15 kill puppies?

The AR-15 was designed to kill humans. We think there are far more interesting methods to kill puppies… but the answer is yes.

Do you believe Sandy Hook really happened?

Of course, it happened. In fact, since it happened, events like that have happened again and will continue to happen. We felt so strongly about this American tradition that we launched our catalog around the Back to School Shooting Season.

My favorite one is always the latest one. Each represents yet another opportunity to sell some fucking jackets, baby!

How do you determine what soft targets will net the most kills?

Are you kidding? Take a look around America for a second, buddy. Do we have to do every fucking thing for you?

When will I get my free ticket to a gun show?

Upon delivery of your non-returnable AR Bomber Jacket, one of our Jacket Coordinators will work with you to find the closest gun show.

Where are your favorite gun shows?

Near a school? Great. In a school? Even better.

Why does your logo have a half-mast flag?

The half-mast flag is a sign of respect for someone who has recently died. As mass shootings happen every day in America, we wanted to pay tribute to all those sacrificial lambs out there. Freedom truly isn’t free. You’ll do best to remember that when you swallow your pride and plop down two grand for one of our jackets.